The Pleasure Cure

Experience a Life-Changing Transformation through the Power of Pleasure & Play!

Please watch the video below to get a better idea of what it feels like to work with me,  learn a bit more about The Pleasure Cure & what to expect. 

The Pleasure Cure

Experience a Life-Changing Transformation

through the Power of Pleasure & Play!

Please watch the video below to get a better idea of what it feels like to work with me,  

learn a bit more about The Pleasure Cure & what to expect. 

Why The Pleasure Cure?

As a certified pleasure coach, I've seen firsthand how stress and overwhelm can hold women back from reaching their full potential. That's why I've created The Pleasure Cure, a transformative course designed specifically for women who want to unlock their power through play and pleasure.

The most common complaint for women is that in day-to-day life, we feel “masculine”. We have been taught to toughen up and push through our problems, and most personal development offers masculine tools to solve feminine problems. It does not work, we are more stressed than ever. 

But what if there was a better way? 

What if pleasure and play could be the keys to unlocking our full potential?

That's where The Pleasure Cure comes in.

By re-calibrating our nervous systems away from stress and towards pleasure, we can tap into our inner power and use it to achieve our goals & live a more fully expressed life. 

Imagine using pleasure to create a new relationship, a new workflow, and a new opportunity to flow your way with ease.

Through The Pleasure Cure, you'll learn five Pleasure Foundations that will help you harness the power of pleasure in your daily life to unlock your true feminine potential.

You'll explore your senses, learn to trust yourself, and release stress. Whether you're lacking direction or simply want to take your success to the next level,

The Pleasure Cure can help.

Pleasure Cure Alum Praise

"Working with Yelena has been a game-changer for me. The Pleasure Cure taught me how to prioritize pleasure and play in my life, and the results have been incredible. I feel more confident, more creative, and more productive than ever before."

- Sarah, 34

"I was skeptical at first, but The Pleasure Cure truly changed my life. I've always struggled with stress and anxiety, but now I have the tools to release it and tap into my own power. Thank you, Yelena, for showing me the way."

- Rachel, 29

"The Pleasure Cure has been a revelation for me. I never realized how much pleasure and play could impact my life and my success. Now, I feel more connected to myself and my goals than ever before. I can't recommend this course enough!"

-Jenna, 41

At The Pleasure Cure, we believe that pleasure and play are the keys to unlocking your full potential.

That's why we've designed a comprehensive course that combines masterclasses, home play practices, and more to help you rewire your brain and embrace pleasure in all areas of your life. Our coaching approach is personalized and client-focused, with a strong emphasis on helping you discover what works best for you. 

What is The Pleasure Cure? 

The Pleasure Cure is a Eight-week course that includes 8 masterclasses, lifetime access to the course, and a range of home play practices designed to deepen your connection to pleasure. To support your integration and enhance your experience, you'll also receive the PDF Pleasure Guides support materials.

Don't wait to transform your life through the power of pleasure!

Sign up for The Pleasure Cure today!

Eight Week Pleasure Activation 

Course Outline


The Eros of Scent

Practice attuning ourselves to pleasure. The art of noticing & reaching for pleasure when it is not obvious. Anchoring pleasure as an experience in our daily lives. 


The Healing Power of Touch

Practice grounding for overstimulated souls living in a high frequency world, touch is one of the most essential tools to ground our nervous system & accesses to pleasure.


The Sound of Ecstacy

The healing power & magic of surrender. Access to ecstatic states via the magic of sound. 

Exploring the alchemical nature and delicious release of trance states.


The Sensuality of Taste

Reclaiming our power - using taste to step out of survival & into a state of thriving. Exploring the eros in dining. 

"Do it slow, until it is Beautiful"


The Art of Self-Seduction

Experiencing the pleasure in vulnerability. Self Love Alchemy. Becoming the Muse.


Pleasure Essentialism & Integration

How to LIVE with pleasure as your North Star. Real-life essentials & practical applications for calibrating your life to pleasure. Deepening the Art of Celebration.

The Eros of Scent

Practice attuning ourselves to pleasure. The art of noticing & reaching for pleasure when it is not obvious. Anchoring pleasure as an experience in our daily lives. 

The Healing Power of Touch

Practice grounding

For overstimulated souls living in a high frequency world, touch is one of the most essential tools to ground our nervous system & accesses to pleasure.

The Sound of Ecstacy

The healing power of surrender. Access to ecstatic states via the magic of sound. 

Exploring the alchemical nature and delicious release of trance states.

The Sensuality

of Taste

Reclaiming our power!

Using taste to step out of survival & into a state of thriving. Exploring the eros in dining. 

"Do it slow until it is beautiful"

The Art of Self-Seduction

Experiencing the pleasure in vulnerability. Tips & tricks for the art of self seduction.

Becoming the Muse.

Pleasure Essentialism & Integration

How to LIVE with pleasure as your North Star. Real life essentials & practical applications. Deepening the Art of Celebration. 

Here's Everything You

Get Access To Once You Enroll:

8 Live Pleasure Activation Masterclasses

with Yelena

Ask all the things you’ve always wondered but have been to shy to admit out loud, in a safe, loving, fun & highly professional space.

Home Play Practices 

Scrumptious practices that you can lean into, enjoy, explore and deepen the connection to pleasure. 

PDF Pleasure Guides

Support materials to enhance the experience and integration of the 


Lifetime Access

Lifetime Access to the course materials. It's yours to keep and enjoy as long as there is internet. 

Sensuality &      Sisterhood

Practice bragging, celebration and using your self expression muscles in our private group. A community of women leading pleasure filled lives.


Our team is here to ensure that you have the most nourishing experience. We are here if you need us, please do not hesitate to reach out.

The Next Cohort Begins on Tuesday, Oct. 31st

Next Cohort Begins October 31st 

What others are saying... 

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

“Yelena is the true embodiment of her teachings. Magnetic in her transmission, a catalyst for deep transformation. An expert in communications, Yelena is able to laser in on the hidden messages in words and observe even the most subtle signs of the body to unveil truth at rapid speed. Using pussy as her compass, she is able to identify what is no longer serving and recode the body and mind for more pleasure, play and abundance. She will hold you with full love and acceptance as you quantum leap together.”

- Corinne

Options are delicious...

Please take a moment to center yourself & take a few breaths.

Connect to your heart & feel into what's most alive for you right now. What dream or vision is calling you forward. 

The right choice is the one that brings you the most ease & pleasure activation in your body. 

Look for your most delicious support and/or edge to activate your transformation.


Option 1

One Time Payment


Total Cost

Option 2

One Time Payment


Total Cost

Course + One 45-Minute 1x1 Coaching Session with me ($250 Value)


Option 3

One Time Payment


Total Cost

Course + One 90-Minute 1x1 coaching session with me ($500 Value)

1 Live 60-Minute Guided 5 Senses Pleasure Activation Practice

($250 Value)

Option 3

One Time Payment Option


Total Cost

Course + One 90-Minute 1x1 coaching session with me ($500 Value)

1 Live 60-Minute Guided 5 Senses Pleasure Activation Practice ($250 Value)

Option 2

One Time Payment Option


Total Cost

Course + One 45-Minute 1x1 Coaching Session with me ($250 Value)

Option 1

A one time payment 


Total Cost

What others are saying... 

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

- Sierra 

“Yelena is the true embodiment of her teachings. Magnetic in her transmission, a catalyst for deep transformation. An expert in communications, Yelena is able to laser in on the hidden messages in words and observe even the most subtle signs of the body to unveil truth at rapid speed. Using pussy as her compass, she is able to identify what is no longer serving and recode the body and mind for more pleasure, play and abundance. She will hold you with full love and acceptance as you quantum leap together.”

- Corinne

Have some Questions?

Have some        Questions?

Is The Pleasure Cure really as great as it sounds?

YES! I drink the medicine of this work daily and use the tools all the time. They source me in the most profound & pleasurable ways. My clients have shared that these tools are life changing and they have experienced lasting shifts in their lives that leave them free to be and embody their most authentic selves out in the world. They enjoy new levels of wonder, satisfaction and pleasure in their lives and express their immense gratitude for the tools learned here. 

How will this course material be delivered? 

As a group we will connect on weekly 2 hour LIVE Calls with Yelena. Live calls are a mixture of weekly transmission/lecture, guided pleasure and/or somatic release practices, breathwork, meditation journeys, movement, and Q & A. 

What if I can't make the call times?

All calls are recorded and uploaded to the course portal. Additionally, there will be a form for you to submit questions ahead of time if you can’t make the call live so you can still get support. Your inquiries & desires are scrumptious and you are a vital part of the co-creation of this container. 

You can also send me a note via email with your question and you will receive an answer from our team within 48 hours on business days.

What is the time commitment per week?

Each live call is 2 hours and may run over a few minutes if there are a lot of questions from the group (you are welcome to sign off at the 2 hour mark if you need to and can catch the replay any time in the course portal).

I will be offering you practices each week to deepen the work in between calls. These practices are called HOME PLAYS (because homework is not a turn on, unless that really makes you hot).

All the practices I will invite you to do throughout the week are designed to be practical and not very time consuming. 

You’ll get quickie practices that are 5-10 minutes long, and a few that may take 30 min - 1 hour. Which practice(s) we have to lean into week over week will depend on what's most alive & will make the biggest difference for the collective on any given week. And with that said, I do not expect you to spend more than 2 hours throughout the week doing practices (usually it will be less, unless you choose to extend and savor them).

Lifetime access: The course content, all videos and support materials & bonuses are yours to enjoy as long as there is internet.  If for any reason life gets in the way, take your time, and let us know if you need anything to feel seen, heard & supported. This course is like a mini-concentrated jumpstart to a lifelong exploration. 

Can I fit this into an already jam packed schedule?

Yes. Making time for these practices, even the short & quick ones makes a tremendous difference in the integration of this material in your life & your results. Additionally, I am obsessed with essentialization, whenever & wherever possible. With that in mind most practices, or exercises are easy to incorporate in your daily life without extreme time blocking & time away from your regularly scheduled programming. 

What materials will I need? 

Material lists will be supplied weekly to support your participation in the practices & experiences during the live masterclasses. Generally, we prioritize using what you already own at home. 

Do I need to have a partner to do this?

The only beloved you need is YOURSELF! Everything in this course is designed for you to fall in love deeper than ever with yourself and to break the ties of dependency and outsourcing our pleasure to others. YOU ARE YOUR OWN GREATEST MEDICINE & you have everything you need to have a delicious and healthy relationship with pleasure. 

AND most, if not all, the practices can be shared with and explored with a lover and/or partner. 

Is this course only for women?

Pleasure does not discriminate, we do. This course is open to women and femmes who have pussies & want to expand their experience of pleasure as a possibility in their lives. 

I identify as a cis-woman and am exploring training options to hold space for GNC loves in my work. If you are OK with me being an active learner who is very open to feedback, I would love to have you join us on this journey and co-create this conversation with you. 

If you desire to work with other people with more experience or who are GNC, please send me a note via the contact form below and I will be more than happy to send you a list of referrals.

I’ve experienced sexual trauma.

Will this course be safe for me to take? 

I am a rape survivor, so I know what it is like to live with sexual trauma. I promise you that you will be held with the utmost care, safety, love and support throughout the process. While we will be talking about some tools for gentle trauma release in this course - this is not a sexual trauma resolution course. During this course we will be covering the foundational elements of exploring pleasure as accessed through the 5 senses and we will generally be diving in to the work in a very gentle manner so your nervous system is at greatest ease and pleasure, throughout.  

Please read through the modules listed on this page and check in with your body, to see if this feels like a possibility at this time. If you feel extremely tender and are finding it challenging & uncomfortable to be in group settings then this container may not be a fit. In my experience, beginning the journey to healing trauma by working with a trauma-trained therapist or somatic psychologist before you dive DEEP into this work could be exceptionally beneficial. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out with your inquiry and together we can determine if this work will be the best fit for your nervous system at this time. Your safety is my priority. 

On another note, If you are currently seeing a therapist or counselor, doing this additional sexuality work can be incredibly powerful and therapeutic. It is true that many therapists don’t have the specific sexuality training that I do, nor the tools to shift the wound of sexual trauma into a journey of sexual reclamation- using gentle pleasure tools to reclaim your sexual wholeness. 

If you do not currently have a therapist or professional support around your trauma, I am happy to offer you references and guide you to the help you deserve to receive! No one should suffer with trauma alone. There is no shame in needing support. I also have tons of trauma-informed resources to offer you if you would like more information. 

Do you offer payment plans? 

Absolutely! If a payment plan is what feels most supportive financially to your nervous system, please honor your needs & claim your PCPP (Pleasure Cure Payment Plan) Spot. Additionally, I have opened up 3 seats per cohort for the individuals who may need even more support. They are first come first serve basis. 

Do you offer Refunds? 

I am a big advocate in choosing powerfully, no matter the final choice. In my book, your YES is sacred & desired & so is your NO. Please do your due diligence prior to enrollment to makes sure that you have the capacity & desire to participate fully in this work. 

I generally have a no refund policy AND sometimes, life throws us curve balls that change everything as we know it. Please send me a note and be in communication about what you are dealing with so that my team and I can be in the inquiry of how best to support you at this time. 

How long do I have access to the content? 

Lifetime Access. The course content, all videos and support materials & bonuses are yours to enjoy as long as there is internet. 

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