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Hello there, 

I love love love that you are here! 

Thank you for trusting me to guide you on this scrumptious journey to a pleasure-filled life.

Hello there, 

I love love love that you are here! 

Thank you for trusting me to guide you on this scrumptious journey to a pleasure-filled life.

Hello there, 

I love love love that you are here! 

Thank you for trusting me to guide you on this scrumptious journey to a pleasure-filled life.

Before we dive in & create anything together, I think it is only fair that we get properly introduced. My name is Yelena and I am obsessed with all things pleasure, play, possibility, magic, communication & butter pecan ice cream. My clients affectionately call me the COMMUNICATION NINJA.

Don't let the sexy smolder fool you, I am all about making things as fun and scrumptious as possible. My superpower is that I gamify transformation and in working with me you will laugh your way across the finish line. I don't subscribe to the belief that the only path to transformation and healing is through pain and years of anguish.

        That sounds awful - No, thank you!

Life is too short to not spend it loving fully and laughing as often as possible.

Fun Fact: If I had to describe my energy to someone I would say that: "I am equal parts Energizer Bunny & Buddhist monk." 

Hi! Welcome.

Where do I begin?

Before we dive in & create anything together, I think it is only fair that we get properly introduced. My name is Yelena and I am obsessed with all things pleasure, play, possibility, magic, communication & butter pecan ice cream. My clients affectionately call me the COMMUNICATION NINJA. Don't let the sexy smolder fool you, I am all about making things as fun and scrumptious as possible. My superpower is that I gamify transformation and in working with me you will laugh your way across the finish line. I don't subscribe to the belief that the only path to transformation and healing is through pain and years of anguish. That sounds awful - No, thank you! Life is too short to not spend it loving fully and laughing as often as possible. 

Fun Fact: If I had to describe my energy to someone I would say that: "I am equal parts Energizer Bunny & Buddhist monk." 

I am the creator of The Art of Over-Communicating™, The 3 Pillars of Pleasure™ & The Muse Method for a Pleasure-filled Life™. I am a Sex, Love & Relationship guide who specializes in communication. I support men, women, and couples in connecting to their deepest pleasures & desires. After over a decade of thriving in sales, fundraising & studying communication, I founded Communication Magic, Inc. to support others in creating the lives of their wildest dreams.

The intersection of the world of pleasure & communication is my passion. One of my favorite inquires is: How can we deepen & expand our experience of pleasure, such that the results we experience and enjoy last?

I have learned that transforming the communications that we are having with ourselves and others is the key to a pleasure-filled life. 

I am the creator of The Art of Over-Communicating™, The 3 Pillars of Pleasure™ & The Muse Method for a Pleasure-filled Life™. I am a Sex, Love & Relationship guide who specializes in communication. I support men, women, and beloveds in connecting to their deepest pleasures & desires. After over a decade of thriving in sales, fundraising & studying communication, I founded Communication Magic, Inc. to support others in creating the lives of their wildest dreams.

The intersection of the world of pleasure & communication is my passion. One of my favorite inquiries is: How can we deepen & expand our experience of pleasure, such that the results we experience and enjoy last? I have learned that transforming the communications that we are having with ourselves and others is the key to a pleasure-filled life. 

My journey to a healthy relationship with pleasure was not the direct flight of my dreams, it was more like a month long, multi-leg detoured mess, that ended up being infinitely more magical than I could have ever planned myself. 

My journey to a healthy relationship with pleasure was not the direct flight of my dreams, it was more like a month long, multi-leg detoured mess, that ended up being infinitely more magical than I could have ever planned myself. 

How it all started

Communication used to be one of my greatest weaknesses and a struggle for years. A dear friend once shared that her experience of me was that I would try to communicate but no matter how hard I tried I just wasn't able to. During those years, my relationships & my own self worth were greatly affected. With no tools to support myself in self inquiry (understanding my needs & desires) and self expression (the communication of those needs & desires to others) I found myself burned out, battling depression, and unconsciously sabotaging myself for years.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

- George Bernard Shaw

How it started

Communication used to be one of my greatest weaknesses and a struggle for years. A dear friend once shared that her experience of me was that I would try to communicate but no matter how hard I tried I just wasn't able to. During those years, my relationships & my own self worth were greatly affected. With no tools to support myself in self inquiry (understanding my needs & desires) and self expression (the communication of those needs & desires to others) I found myself burned out, battling depression, and unconsciously sabotaging myself for years.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

- George Bernard Shaw


Now I know what you may be thinking...

Yelena, you teach pleasure, how in the world are these two related and how did this shift come about?

For me it is simple, one does not exist without the other. Communication sources pleasure & pleasure sources communication. 

In the process of learning to communicate, I addressed & unraveled deep seated limiting beliefs about my self worth, among many others, which directly held me back from experiencing pleasure in my body, relationships and life. 



Now I know what you may be thinking...

Yelena, you teach pleasure, how in the world are these two related and how did this shift come about?

For me it is simple, one does not exist without the other. Communication sources pleasure & pleasure sources communication. 

In the process of learning to communicate,

I addressed & unraveled deep seated limiting beliefs about my self worth, among many others, which directly held me back from experiencing pleasure in my body, relationships and life. 

To be really vulnerable, years of excessive stress without having the tools to support myself and regulate my nervous system were nearly my demise. Prior to studying pleasure and somatic release tools I used to stress myself sick, literally. I developed debilitating ulcers, became undernourished and at my lowest weighed only 95 lbs, developed kidney stones, near complete pancreatic insufficiency (I had to take a pill every time I took a BITE of food) and extreme shooting nerve pain in my face.

At one point the pain became unbearable. It became very clear that what I was doing and how I was living was not working and that if I did not make a change (AND FAST), I would not last long. And Sex? What sex? Often times, I felt extremely self conscious, anxious and ashamed because I was unwell most of the time. I felt helpless & betrayed by my own body. Sex felt too vulnerable. I was scared what my partners would think/being judged, and/or deemed broken, undesirable. 

Knowing first hand the debilitating effects of stress on the body, mind and soul I began learning all I could to transform the constant pain and support my nervous system. This exploration led me to pursue a Sex, Love & Relationship coaching certification from Layla Martin's, Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.  Additionally, I am a graduate of Mama Gena's, School of Womanly Arts, Mastery Program, and  a Highden Temple graduate where I studied conscious sacred living,  tantric sexuality and shamanic templar arts.

To be really vulnerable, years of excessive stress without having the tools to support myself and regulate my nervous system were nearly my demise. Prior to studying pleasure and somatic release tools I used to stress myself sick, literally. I developed debilitating ulcers, became undernourished and at my lowest weighed only 95 lbs, developed kidney stones, near complete pancreatic insufficiency (I had to take a pill every time I took a BITE of food) and extreme shooting nerve pain in my face. At one point the pain became unbearable and it became very clear that what I was doing and how I was living was not working and that if I did not make a change (AND FAST), I would not last long. And Sex? What sex? Oftentimes, I felt extremely self-conscious, anxious, and ashamed because I was unwell most of the time. I felt helpless & betrayed by my own body. Sex felt too vulnerable. I was scared of what my partners would think/of being judged, and/or deemed broken, and undesirable. 

Knowing firsthand the debilitating effects of stress on the body, mind, and soul I began learning all I could to transform the constant pain and support my nervous system. This exploration led me to pursue a Sex, Love & Relationship coaching certification from Layla Martin's, Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. Additionally, I am a graduate of Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts, Mastery Program, and a Highden Temple graduate where I studied conscious sacred living,  tantric sexuality, and shamanic templar arts.

My life Today

The tools I learned to heal my body, mind and soul saved my life. My desire to share the deep healing possibilities of pleasure & play led to THE PLEASURE CURE being born so that other beautiful beings can reap the benefits for themselves.

Today, I enjoy a life that sources me with profound pleasure & joy. I can be found laughing and being a silly goose more often than not. I am grateful beyond words to have a healthy and deliriously deep & fulfilling relationship with the man of my dreams, as well as friends and family in my life. (And yes, in case you are wondering, our relationship is not without its hardships & breakdowns - the difference is that with the tools we have we rebound faster & come back to love with velocity vs. being angry & resentful for days, months or years). I fall in love with my beloved daily (it's a practice), our intimate connection is out of this world and we keep discovering new depths to the connection we have with our bodies and one another. AND I have the privilege to support exceptional human beings in creating pleasure-filled lives of their dreams as my full time job. What more could a girl ask for? 

My life Today.

The tools I learned to heal my body, mind and soul saved my life. My desire to share the deep healing possibilities of pleasure & play led to THE PLEASURE CURE being born so that other beautiful beings can reap the benefits for themselves.

Today, I enjoy a life that sources me with profound pleasure & joy. I can be found laughing and being a silly goose more often than not. I am grateful beyond words to have a healthy and deliriously deep & fulfilling relationship with the man of my dreams, as well as friends and family in my life. (And yes, in case you are wondering, our relationship is not without its hardships & breakdowns - the difference is that with the tools we have we rebound faster & come back to love with velocity vs. being angry & resentful for days, months or years). I fall in love with my beloved daily (it's a practice), our intimate connection is out of this world and we keep discovering new depths to the connection we have with our bodies and one another. AND I have the privilege to support exceptional human beings in creating pleasure-filled lives of their dreams as my full time job. What more could a girl ask for? 

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Clarity is so delicious  

All Right Reserved. Communication Magic, Inc. Copyright 2024. 

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