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Love Notes &

Client Praise

I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most remarkable humans. If you are curious about what it is like to work with me, you can learn more below. 

Love Notes &

Client Praise

I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most remarkable humans. If you are curious what it is like to work with me, you can learn more below. 

Client Love 

"I highly recommend Yelena to anyone looking for a profound, pivotal transformation. I am no stranger to manifestation and deliberate creation, but I needed a powerful ally to help me see and break through my own limits. I was stuck in patterns of lack of faith and continuous failure with no break of relief before working with Yelena. In each session, she masterfully guided me through processes to help me navigate difficulties, integrate shifts, and connect to my power to create my future. It was as much remembrance, as it was healing. Most importantly I was able to reconnect with myself, and my deepest desires. As cliche as it sounds, I can dream (and do) again! What made the most impact in my everyday life is Yelena's mastery of simple, yet advanced communication skills she taught me to get my point across, and make a lasting impact on relationships."

Zlata Sushchik

Author / Dj / Producer / Artist 

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/P17GdVqVJ1U" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sierra Hofstatter

"Working with Yelena was the most amazing experience. It truly changed my life and the path of my work in the world. Her presence is so strong, powerful, safe, grounding & opening. She was able to transform years of pain & deep tension into divine energetic orgasms. Something no bodyworker, healer, or coach was ever able to do prior. This was revolutionary for me and deeply transformative & healing."

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yJDwX87ttIU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tarea Kuypers

"Yelena is a superwoman you will want to keep around forever and ever. I tell ALL my friends how incredibly amazing it is to have this witchy woman in my life. Not only has she supported me to become impeccable with my word and remember to play in my life's creation, she has also guided me through life changing vision quests where I discovered powerful support and healing within."

Client  Reflections & Love

“Yelena is the true embodiment of her teachings. Magnetic in her transmission, a catalyst for deep transformation. An expert in communications, Yelena is able to laser in on the hidden messages in words and observe even the most subtle signs of the body to unveil truth at rapid speed. Using pussy as her compass, she is able to identify what is no longer serving and recode the body and mind for more pleasure, play and abundance. She will hold you with full love and acceptance as you quantum leap together.”


Sales & Business Mastermind Alum

Ann Hodge

Women's Empowerment Coach

"In Yelena's presence, you feel a world of possibilities open up. She lovingly holds a mirror up so you can see where you've been holding yourself back and gives you the tools and motivation to go out there and make your dreams happen. If you're looking for a coach who can help you work through limiting beliefs around pleasure, money and selling with joy, pussy-magic, and deep wisdom, all the while making you laugh non stop, hire Yelena ASAP."

Michelle Grattan

Sex, Love & Relationship Coach

Yelena's magic was potent in this container. I was encouraged to share my heart in my community, to be real and raw. A deeper level of vulnerability both with myself and with my audience. I was able to hold myself through some of the most challenging experiences in my life. Being reminded and guided to be with all of life and ride the waves of it. Witnessing powerful leadership in spite of her going through her own deep challenges during our course brought me to a depth of strength I never knew existed. This container was medicine I got to refill with each week.

Claire Glibbery

Pleasure & Abundance Coach

Working with Yelena was transformative & powerful beyond what I could have ever imagined. The space that she holds is one of safety and love, a space where everything is welcome, without any judgement or shaming. She accepts and meets you exactly where you are. The foundation of every session was rooted in pleasure, this was deeply nourishing to my nervous system. 

Implementing her simple and effective communication tools have completely transformed the way that I communicate in my relationship. I have been able to soften to my partner and come into a deeper level of trust, which has created a more intimate connection between us. 

When you work with Yelena, you will remember how magical you are, life will become a playground again and you will be opening yourself up to a whole world of infinite possibility. Her transmission is magnetic, a catalyst for rapid transformation.

More Client Love 

Yelena has helped me along my journey of self-love and self-discovery perhaps more than any other single person or event in the last five years. She’s given me self-love practices that I do every morning, support system practices that I use every time I’m feeling small and need to be reminded that I’m loved, and has taught me new ways of seeing the world, shaping the world, and creating possibilities for myself that I never allowed myself to believe existed before. With her help, I’ve journeyed from often being lost in the depths of self-hatred and self-pity, over-eating to comfort myself, and despairing that I would ever find a primary romantic partner to often loving myself so much that it makes me smile, believing that my next primary partner is right around the corner, and spending most evenings taking genuine care of myself instead of punishing or comforting myself with food. If you have a chance to work with her in any capacity, I highly recommend it. She is a goddess of communication, love, and power, and has helped me generate these things in my own life.

Kelly Teaford

Production Manager, Actor

Do you want results like these?

It would be a delight and honor to support you co-creating the life of your dreams. Book a Desire Activation Call today and let's Play. 

All Right Reserved. Communication Magic, Inc. Copyright 2024. 

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